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How to reverse a String in Python

Learn how to reverse Strings in Python using slicing.

This article explains how to reverse a String in Python using slicing.

There is no built-in string.reverse() function. However, there is another easy solution.

Use Slicing to reverse a String

The recommended way is to use slicing.

my_string = "Python"
reversed_string = my_string[::-1]

# nohtyP

Slicing syntax is [start:stop:step]. In this case, both start and stop are omitted, i.e., we go from start all the way to the end, with a step size of -1. As a result, the new string gets reversed.

This is not an in-place modification, so the original String gets not changed.

Use reversed()

Another option (but slower) is to combine str.join() and reversed():

my_string = "Python"
reversed_string = ''.join(reversed(my_string))

# nohtyP

# <reversed object at 0x1048b8d00>

reversed() returns an object of type reversed, which is an iterable that needs to be combined back into a String.

More String Methods

You can learn more about Strings in these articles

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