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How to convert a Google Colab to Markdown

Learn how to you can convert a Google Colab to a Markdown file and download it.

Learn how to you can convert a Google Colab to a Markdown file and download it.

Colab only provides the options to download the file either as .ipynb or as .py file. But you can use this workaround to also download it as markdown file.

Step 1: Download the .ipynb file

Click on File->Download and download the file as .ipynbfile

Step 2: Upload the file again

Drag & Drop the downloaded notebook into the Files section of your Colab. This way, we make it available to the session storage.

Step 3: Convert it to Markdown

To convert the notebook to markdown, we use the nbconvert tool, which should already be installed in your Colab.

Add a new code cell in the top of your Colab and run this command:

!jupyter nbconvert --to markdown filename.ipynb

Now, the markdown file should appear in the Files section of the Colab as, and you can right-click on it (or click on the three dots next to it) and then download it.

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