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Dataset Transforms - PyTorch Beginner 10

In this part we learn how we can use dataset transforms together with the built-in Dataset class. Apply built-in transforms to images, arrays, and tensors, or write your own.

Learn all the basics you need to get started with this deep learning framework! In this part we learn how we can use dataset transforms together with the built-in Dataset class. Apply built-in transforms to images, arrays, and tensors. Or write your own custom Transform classes.

  • Dataset Transforms
  • Use built-in Transforms
  • Implement custom Transforms

All code from this course can be found on GitHub.

Dataset Transforms in PyTorch

import torch
import torchvision
from import Dataset
import numpy as np

class WineDataset(Dataset):

    def __init__(self, transform=None):
        xy = np.loadtxt('./data/wine/wine.csv', delimiter=',', dtype=np.float32, skiprows=1)
        self.n_samples = xy.shape[0]

        # note that we do not convert to tensor here
        self.x_data = xy[:, 1:]
        self.y_data = xy[:, [0]]

        self.transform = transform

    def __getitem__(self, index):
        sample = self.x_data[index], self.y_data[index]

        if self.transform:
            sample = self.transform(sample)

        return sample

    def __len__(self):
        return self.n_samples

# Custom Transforms
# implement __call__(self, sample)
class ToTensor:
    # Convert ndarrays to Tensors
    def __call__(self, sample):
        inputs, targets = sample
        return torch.from_numpy(inputs), torch.from_numpy(targets)

class MulTransform:
    # multiply inputs with a given factor
    def __init__(self, factor):
        self.factor = factor

    def __call__(self, sample):
        inputs, targets = sample
        inputs *= self.factor
        return inputs, targets

print('Without Transform')
dataset = WineDataset()
first_data = dataset[0]
features, labels = first_data
print(type(features), type(labels))
print(features, labels)

print('\nWith Tensor Transform')
dataset = WineDataset(transform=ToTensor())
first_data = dataset[0]
features, labels = first_data
print(type(features), type(labels))
print(features, labels)

print('\nWith Tensor and Multiplication Transform')
composed = torchvision.transforms.Compose([ToTensor(), MulTransform(4)])
dataset = WineDataset(transform=composed)
first_data = dataset[0]
features, labels = first_data
print(type(features), type(labels))
print(features, labels)

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