Articles from Shweta Goyal

"Learning something new everyday."

18 Articles from Shweta.

The base64 Module in Python

Learn the basics of base64 module in Python.

The base64 module have functions which helps to encode the text or binary data into base64 format and decode the base64 data into text or binary data. The base64 module is used to encode and decode the data in the following ways:

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Deque in Python using Collections Module

Learn the basics of Deque in Python.

Deque is a double-ended queue. It can be used to add or remove elements from both the sides. In Python, we can use the collections.deque class to implement a deque.

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Calendar Module in Python

Learn the basics of the calendar module in Python.

The Calendar module is a built-in module in Python. It can be imported from the module calendar. It provides functions to work with dates and times. It can be used to generate calendars, and calendar-related operations. You can format the calendar and output it in text or HTML format.

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Enum in Python

Learn how to use Enum in Python.

Enum is a built-in data type in Python. It is used to create a finite set of constants.

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Precision Handling in Python | floor, ceil, round, trunc, format

Learn the different methods for precision handling of floating-point numbers.

Precision handling is a process of rounding off the values of floating-point numbers. Python has many built-in functions to handle the precision, like floor, ceil, round, trunc, and format. Let's discuss the different types of precision handling in Python.

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Difference between byte objects and string in Python

Learn the difference between byte objects and string in Python.

There are times when you get confused between byte objects and strings. But there are some differences between them. Let's discuss the difference between them:

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Difference between the equality operator and is operator in Python

Learn the difference between the equality operator and is operator in Python.

There are two operators in Python that are used to compare values: == and is. The == operator compares the values and is operator compares the references. Let’s see the difference between them:

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Type Conversion in Python

Learn the different ways to convert a data type to a different data type in Python.

There are times when you want to convert a data type to a different data type. This is called type conversion.

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Difference between iterator and iterable in Python

Learn the difference between iterator and iterable in Python.

Iteration is a process of using a loop to access all the elements of a sequence. Most of the time, we use for loop to iterate over a sequence. But there are some times when we need to iterate over a sequence using a different approach. In those cases, we need to use an iterator.

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Difference between set() and frozenset() in Python

Learn the difference between set() and frozenset() function in Python.

Python provides two built-in functions which are set() and frozenset(). These two functions are used for creating sets but come with a few differences. Let’s see how you can use them.

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How to format Strings in Python

Learn the different ways to format a String in Python.

Formatting a string is a very important tool to know when you are coding in Python. Whenever you write a program, you have to format the output into a string before you print it or display it in some form.

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Difference between sort() and sorted() in Python

Learn the difference between sort() and sorted() function in Python.

Sorting any sequence in Python is easy as it provides built-in methods for sorting. Sorting means rearranging a given sequence of elements.

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Data classes in Python with dataclass decorator

Learn the basics of data classes in Python using the dataclasses module and the dataclass decorator with all possible parameters.

Learn the basics of data classes in Python using the dataclasses module and the dataclass decorator with all possible parameters.

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Complete Guide to the datetime Module in Python

Learn the basics of the datetime module in Python and how to convert from strings to datetime.

Learn the basics of the datetime module in Python and how to convert from strings to datetime.

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Complex Numbers in Python

Learn the basics of complex numbers in Python.

Python not only works with real numbers but also works with complex numbers. It has many use cases in mathematics. Python helps to tackle and manipulate them.

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Working with Videos in OpenCV using Python

Basic operations with videos in OpenCV using Python.

OpenCV has been used in various video-related tasks like in drones, robots, car navigation and control, surveillance cameras, video tracking, embedded systems like Aurdino and Raspberry Pi, etc.

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Working with Images in OpenCV using Python

Basic operations with images in OpenCV using Python

OpenCV is one of the most common libraries that you need in any computer vision or image processing task. Before applying different filters for image processing or to perform any image-related task, you must know how to read an image, display an image, or write an image.

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Getting Started with OpenCV in Python

Learn how to get started with OpenCV in Python.

In OpenCV, CV stands for Computer Vision that helps to understand and extract meaningful information from the images and videos. There exist various applications like facial recognition, detecting fingerprints, autonomous vehicles, obstacles avoidance, tumor detection, OCR, MRI, defect detection, etc. and in these and other computer vision applications, you will need OpenCV.

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